MOPS is about…
Meeting new friends in the Lake County area
Having your children meet new friends
Spending time with other mothers
Sharing child stories and concerns
Online Registration
MOPS code C601
MOMSnext code IKOX
Membership Options
This money goes to MOPS International.
Meeting Dues
This money stays with our group!
MOPS: $105 / $35 per trimester | $10 DISCOUNT if paid in full by September 30, 2022
MOMSnext: $75 / $25 per trimester | $10 DISCOUNT if paid in full by September 30, 2022
CASH or check made payable to “Mentor MOPS”
MOPS groups provide an open, caring and accepting atmosphere for today’s mothers to grow and share their experiences with other women. MOPS programs often include teaching by mentors and other guest speakers, discussion, community and opportunities to develop creativity while your children are cared for in a parallel program called MOPPETS. Join a community of moms who meet once a month for friendship, resources and support. MOPS is for moms with children from birth through kindergarten.
MOMSnext is the next step after your child has entered school! Moms come together for fun and fellowship and to continue to see that they are not alone in their mothering…especially when new challenges arise!
Both groups meet September through May, on the second and fourth Friday of the month, from 9:30 AM to noon and the third Thursday of the month, from 8:30-10:30 PM on Zoom. Moms organize Moms’ Night Out, playgroups to get together with their children, and impromptu outings through our closed facebook group. Plus, there are many opportunities for service projects throughout the year!
“...because mothering matters”
The Value of Membership
2022-2023 Theme: “We Go Together”
Some men came carrying a paralyzed man on a mat and tried to take him into the house to lay him before Jesus. When they could not find a way to do this because of the crowd, they went up on the roof and lowered him on his mat through the tiles into the middle of the crowd, right in front of Jesus. When Jesus saw their faith, he said, “Friend, your sins are forgiven.”
LUKE 5:18-20, NIV
We Go Together | Theme 2022-2023 from MOPS International on Vimeo.
Member Impromptu Meet Up For:
- Parks, Zoo, Science Center, Children’s Museum, etc.
- Dinner & a Movie
- Service events for moms and their kids
For more information, contact MOPS & MOMSnext Coordinators
MOPS International
Mentor MOPS & MOMSnext Facebook
Mentor MOPS Blog