Mentor United Methodist Church

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Students who are old enough to understand the teachings of the Church and need to decide for themselves whether to claim these beliefs as their own are eligible to participate in confirmation. For those who have been baptized, they will be confirming that the vows taken on their behalf are now vows they choose to live by. For those not baptized, it is an opportunity to learn, choose baptism and confirm that they are choosing to live a Christian life.
Through discussion, videos, group projects, and more we will explore what faith means, why the Church exists, who Jesus is, and why it is important for you! Upon successful completion, confirmands will have the opportunity for membership at Mentor UMC.

Students in grades 8 and up. If you have older students interested in confirmation, please email Pastor Mikayla at to inquire.

Cost is $100 per student to cover class materials and Bible that will be presented at orientation, and the retreat in April. ***Scholarships are available.

Return completed form to Mentor UMC office by mail or in person. Make checks payable to MUMC with your student’s name and “Confirmation” written in the memo.
Confirmation Registration Form

The program will start with an orientation and potluck for the student(s) and their family in early October and will conclude with Confirmation in May. On Sunday mornings, confirmands will attend one worship service of their choice. Class is in the afternoon ***time TBD based on circumstances***.
9:00 am to 10:00 am / Worship Service
11:00 am to 12:00 pm / Worship Service
3:30 pm to 5:30 pm / Class

Students are expected to attend and complete as follows:

CLASS ~ May miss up to 3 Sundays. Makeup work will be assigned for missed weeks and expected to be completed and turned in by next class.

WORSHIP SERVICES ~ May miss up to 3 Sundays when class meets.

WORK ASSIGNMENTS ~ Bible reading, class journal, sermon notes need to be completed each week.

SPECIAL EVENTS ~ Classes, orientation, and retreat are required. Special worship services are encouraged.

CLASS SERVICE PROJECTS ~ Students are required to participate in 4 hours of service time.

ACOLYTING ~ Students are required to do this at least two times in Sanctuary service.

CLOSING INTERVIEW ~ Each confirmand is assigned to a Mentor UMC staff member for an interview the week before Confirmation Sunday.

Confirmation is a serious commitment and takes priority over other activities. If a student must miss any of the above, notification is required as soon as a conflict arises.